You will never miss out on a moment of spiritual revelry, here, at Sivananda Ashram, Uttarkashi. Whether it be Navratri, Shivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Holi or any other of the many festivals celebrated, everyone is welcome to join in and experience the joy. Enjoy, learn and come to understand what makes the extraordinary heritage of this beautiful, incredible country so very unique. Come take part, help organise and continue to make our events the remarkable, moment-creating spectacles they have been since the ashram’s build. We’re always looking for a reason to rejoice over the creation or praise the many persons who have made life so special and worthwhile living. Plus, enjoying our unforgettably unique time spent together at the ashram is something we feel must be recognised and remembered in style. Aside, from the more-notable festivals and events we often hold impromptu satsangs by visiting saints, birthday’s parties for our extended ashram family and make merry over particular achievements of persons. Inclusive to all.