Spiritual discourses and special Satsangs are conducted from time to time in the ashram. One of the biggest programs conducted in the ashram was the Srimad Bhagavad–Saptah, led by the famous Indian story-teller (vyasji) Shyam Sundar Parashar, from Vrindavan. Two buses full of devotees came from Delhi to attending. Around 350 people were attending the program every day. For eight days the ashram was filled with colorful activities. The ashram provided all of them with food and shelter, with the cooperation of nearby hotels and guest houses.
Once a week-long Bhagavat Parayan program was conducted by a south Indian group of 45 people led by a famous spiritual traditional story-teller Shri Venmani Krishnan Namboothirippad from Kerala. The group enjoyed the ashram atmosphere, celestial Ganga River, and sacred atmosphere of Uttarkashi. This tradition has been going on for thousands of years in India where the master will take his whole group of disciples to some sacred spot like the Himalayan mountains or the Ganga banks, camping there for several weeks for spiritual retreats. In this case 45 people with a monk and two acharyas (teachers) travelled a distance of 3500 kilometers from the most southern Kerala to the most northern Gangotri (Uttarkashi) for a seven day spiritual retreat.