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Aspects of Jnana Sadhana

Jan 30, 2024

A Sadhaka should reflect and meditate. Sravana is hearing of Srutis, Manana is thinking and reflecting, Nididhyasana is constant and profound meditation. Then comes Atma-Sakshatkara or direct realisation.

This is also known as Brahmanubhava or Aparokshanubhuti. Then all doubts and delusions melt away. The knot of ignorance (Hridaya Granthi) is cut asunder. All Karmas (Sanchita and Prarabdha) are destroyed. The Jnani attains Sat-Chit-Ananda state. He is freed from the wheel of Samsara, from births and deaths with its concomitant evils.

The student in the path of Jnana Yoga repeats Om or Soham or Sivoham or Aham Brahma Asmi or Om Tat Sat and associates the ideas of Purity, Perfection, Infinity, Eternity, Immortality, Sat-Chit-Ananda along with the repetition of the above formulae.


Assertions for Nididhyasana


I am the Sun of suns, Light of lights-OM OM OM

All Purity I am-OM OM OM

All Bliss I am-OM OM OM

All-pervading Consciousness I am-OM OM OM

Satchidananda-Svarupoham-OM OM OM

Akhanda Ekarasa Chinmatroham-M OM OM

Bhumananda-Svarupoham -OM OM OM

Aham Sakshi (I am witness)-OM OM OM

Nirvisesha-Chinmatroham-OM OM OM

Asangoham (I am Unattached)-OM OM OM


Live within. Live in the Spirit. Meditate on Atman, the Reality (Svarupa Dhyana). Make Mano-Japa of Om-Pranava (Manasika Japa). Chant Om. Sing Om. Feel Om. Eat Om. Walk Om. Breathe Om. Sleep Om. Befriend Om.

The uninterrupted practice of meditation 'I am Brahman' destroys the Vikshepa of Avidya (tossing or distraction caused by ignorance), just as the elixir of life (Rasayana) cures all diseases.

Sitting in a solitary place, free from all passions, curbing the Indriyas (senses), one should meditate on that one infinite Atman, without thinking of anything else.

A wise man should by his intelligence submerge in the Atman all that is seen and should always meditate on the One Atman that is like the pure, infinite ether.


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